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Dare Dare Do- Actress 饰演女神&木子鱼日媚
A Letter to Beauty- Director and Script Writer
The End- Voice Over Talent
《诱》YOU - Actress (闺蜜二 Vanessa)
Tan Mei Xin's Video Resume - V.O. Talent (Narration)
The One Academy Student Final Project (motion graphic)-
V.O. for Wen Jun (as a mother) & Amanda Yau (as a child)'s project

A letter to beauty | KDU University College | class assignment
Valentino Kwan

A letter to beauty | KDU University College | class assignment

This is a part of my assignment for this subject - Intro to Creative Media. Me and my groupmate have to film a short video about "A LETTER TO BEUTY". When you first saw the title, you wouldn't notice that this is a horror video. Story line: This video is about a men who love the color of red since he was young. After he grown up, he started to kill people as his hobby. He sees blood as an art. He defined a beauty as in the color of red/blood. He end up with jail and sentenced to death. 凝结的空气 冰冷的铁框 还有那窗外黯淡的月亮 不知看了多少遍? 看得都腻了。 谁说散落在地面的月光是温暖的? 谁说空气是最必要的存在? 现在拥有这一切的我 什么都不剩了 下一刻,死亡之歌就会为我奏起。 你知道吗? 没有血色的夜晚 是多么的单调 苍白。 从以前 老师就告诉我 天边的彩虹 是最好看的景色 同学们双眼放光地看着 那色彩缤纷之时 我眼里只有红色 那抹色彩 占据了我的所有视线 真的好漂亮 锋利的刀锋 划破了沉寂的空气 玫瑰花瓣落地 我疯狂地爱上了 这遍地赤红的液体 血滴落的声音 是如此清脆动听 就仿佛在我耳边 轻轻地跳着华丽的华尔兹 绽放的蔷薇 是世界最完美的点缀 人们眼中的绝望 是心灵的填补 而啃食这一切的我 看见的是世界上最美丽的景色 你们不会明白的吧 这盛开的血花 带着的丝丝生气 是多么令人窒息的美丽 你们眼里写满了恐惧 内心为所见所闻颤抖着 对我 露出了憎恶的表情 美丽在你们眼里 却是罪恶 而欣赏着这艺术的我 就是个罪犯 砰 倒在血泊之中 我嘴边勾起的是满足 眸子带着嗜血的兴奋 没有人欣赏的血海 就由我将一生献于歌颂你 至璀璨的血色 至最美的庆典 A poem from Sim Wan Wei. Enjoy!! Instagram: valentinokwan Facebook: Valentino Kwan
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